DATE$ Statement Example Note that the DATE$ function in the following example prints a zero in front of the month. PRINT DATE$ Output 04-21-1989 DATE$ Statement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Sets the current date in your computer's system. Syntax DATE$ = stringexpression$ Remarks The DATE$ statement is the complement of the DATE$ function. If you use the DATE$ statement to set the date, the change remains in effect until you change it again or reboot your computer. The stringexpression$ must have one of the following forms, where mm (01-12) and dd (01-31) are the month and day, and yy or yyyy (1980-2099) is the year. mm-dd-yy mm-dd-yyyy mm-dd-yy mm-dd-yyyy See Also DATE$ Function , TIME$ Statement Example The following example prompts you to supply the month, date, and year, then resets the system date on your computer. Note that if you change the system date, any files you create or revise will be stamped with the new date. PRINT "Enter the date below (default year is 1989)." INPUT " Month. ",Month$ INPUT " Date. ",Day$ INPUT " Year. ",Year$ IF Year$ = "" THEN Year$ = "89" DATE$ = Month$ + "-" + Day$ + "-" + Year$